News from the Council of University of California Retiree Associations (CUCRA)
2018 Events:
Jan 09, 2018
i-Gate- Livermore's Innovation Hub
Brandon Cardwell, i-Gate Executive Director, described how the i-GATE partnerships promote efficient transfer of technology from the national labs to the private sector

Feb 13, 2018
LLNL Programs and Operations Update
Deputy Director, Thomas Gioconda provided a very informative, yet entertaining, presentation on the state of the Laboratory.

Mar 13, 2018
Overview of Livermore Police Department
Chief Michael Harris presented an overview of the Livermore Police Department organization and operations.

Apr 10, 2018
Livermore Municipal Airport Operations
Dave Decoteau, Airport Operations Manager talked about current operations and future plans for our Livermore Airport.

May 08, 2018
Past and Future of the Livermore Gravel Quarry Site
Deborah Haldeman, CEMEX Regional Natural Resources Manager spoke of the Eliot Facility, on Stanley Blvd. Mining began at the site in 1906 and it has supplied the raw materials to build many of the iconic Bay Area structures including the Bay Bridge. The site was named after the original rail train crossing the valley.

Jun 12, 2018
Annual LLRA Picnic
- Just Splendid!
Just as we expected- great food, good wine, (good beer, too), and great friends. And, just as important, mother nature gave us a beautiful day!

July 10, 2018
Speaker: Bob Semple
Bob Sample talked about the Jeremiah O'Brien, her launching in June, 1943, her exploits in WW II, mothballing in 1946-1979, and how she was saved from scrapping. He also discussed the U.S. & British merchant marine industries from WW I to the present.

Aug 14, 2018
Speaker: Phil Wong & Pete McKereghan
Our speakers gave a very detailed and insightful review of remediation at LLNL. They also spoke of the analysis and modeling, and how that has improved over the years to help focus the work done.

Sept 11, 2018
Speaker: Nathan Golovich
The talk described LLNL's effort to study the population of black holes in the Milky Way Halo. Merging black holes have been detected and their masses are interestingly high, to the point that it raises questions about how stars could be large enough to make these black holes

October 9, 2018
Speaker: Assemblyman Quirk
Being the only scientist on the Assembly in Sacramento, Bill Quirk finds himself educating fellow assembly-persons to help shape law. Bill gave a very engaging and insightful talk on his experiences at the California Assembly.

November 13, 2018
Speaker: Megan Syal
Megan Syal, a member of LLNL's planetary defense team, described the key role LLNL will play in fulfilling the goals laid out in the National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy and Action Plan, released by the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in June 2018.