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News from the CUCRA Travel Office

The CUCRA Travel Office's has new adventures listed for 2023 and 2024 at the  CUCRA Travel website


UC Retirees Travel offers extraordinary opportunities to discover and explore iconic sites and lesser-known destinations featuring a mix of history, culture, and nature. Connect with travelers from all UC locations including retirees, emeriti, family members, and friends. Expert group trip planners coordinate all of the details so you can relax and enjoy the journey. 


UC Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) Operations During this Crisis

UC RASC sent out a message for all retiree organizations to the effect that it is continuing essential services like pension payments but has cut back on non-urgent operations in response to stay-at-home orders from the State.  Read the message (below) for instructions if you do have an urgent issue (such as a problem with a retirement check or a stop-payment request.).


RASC Homepage 



News from the Council of University of California Retiree Associations (CUCRA)

The Council of University of California Retirees Associations (CUCRA) is a system-wide consortium comprising representatives from 13 UC retiree associations, including ours.  CUCRA represents the interests of UC retirees and supports the University's teaching, research and public service missions.


Visit the CUCRA website to get the latest information.



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